Fourth Wall

Sunday, August 08, 2004

For She's a Jolly Good Fellow

When I arrived in the main hall of her home yesterday, she was wearing a crown and holding court before a circle of the residents. They were teasing one of the women, saying, "you know you should curtsey before the Queen," and I walked to the center of the circle, (looking, according to her, "very cute,") and curtseyed in my best ballet-school manners before giving her a kiss and saying, "Hello, Grandma!"

I got applause. Apparently I looked particularly cute.

This crown thing is new for the Heritage. It just goes to show that she is very well liked, and that they know her personality very well. Quite a few women showed up from the other part of the Center (the apartment-style living for people who need less assistance) which was quite a compliment. We had German Chocolate Cake, prepared by the kitchen for her birthday, and Coffee, and people came by to greet her, and one of the nurses played the piano and the women sang. They like to sing.

I met a young woman named Jenny, who is from the St. Vincent de Paul's young adult's service group, who has become good friends with my Grandma and makes her bracelets and who showed up for the party.

We retired, after the residents were taken to their dinner, to a bar/bistro where Grandma got to have a martini (I had a Shirley Temple) and I read her her birthday cards. Then we got in our cars and went to a very elegant Basque restaurant on Battery St, where Mom read her poem/biography, and Uncle John and I read my script, and we ate a great deal. Dinner ended with present opening and my mother's Angel Food Cake. Grandma loved all the jewelry people gave her and was quite surprised by the second cake.

A lovely 90th birthday for a well-loved lady.


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