Fourth Wall

Thursday, July 29, 2004

The Return of the Real-Life Conversations

I finally had to confess to Matt last week that I converted to Catholicism. I was pretty nervous. Being Jewish, and from a Catholic High School, Matt has both a unique view of Catholicism, and the assumption that all Christians are Catholic. I found this assumption easy to exploit when I wanted to talk about being Catholic, without the difficulty of explaining why I chose to convert (see: previous quote re Devout Catholics in San Francisco).

So I told him. He had an interesting reaction.

"Yes... I seem to remember you not being Catholic. And now you are a Catholic. That would require a change..."

Of course, he also wanted to know all about my weekend.

Matt: from my small and muddled point of view he sounds like a good man and a good match.
Alice: plus he's... well, how do I put this...
Alice: crazy about me.
Matt: well that's big plusses for sure
Matt: but let's face it...
Matt: who isn't?

And then there's some from Andrew. The following conversation is amusing to nobody but Matt, Andrew, and I, but I wanted to have a record of it, so here it is.

Andrew: If you weren't Alice, that would suck.
Alice: for me, especially.
Alice: And then who would be Alice?
Andrew: hmmmm
Alice: It's a hard question, isn't it?
Andrew: yes it is.
Alice: You would be able to qualify, I suppose.
Andrew: I dunno about THAT
Alice: except you don't have a bust.
Alice: I hope.
Andrew: this is why God invented silicon.
Andrew: put that in your blog and post it.

So I did. Then things just sorta spiraled out of control, because as I was typing it in, Matt started asking questions.

Matt: hey, what are you thinking about RIGHT NOW?!
Matt: GO!
Matt: tell me!
Matt: faster!
Alice: Andrew's bust.
Alice: Or lack thereof.
Matt: how? what? why?
Alice: ask him.

So he started a chat, and did.

Matt: lady and gentleman, we are gathered here today to discuss a very important subject
Matt: andrew's chest
Matt: i dont know why, but i was told this is a subject worth inquiring about


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