Fourth Wall

Monday, April 14, 2008

Oh man oh man.

I've been writing posts in my head for about a week, but haven't had the time to really sit down and draft them out for you all. So what is there to say?

Tristan brought me flowers to mark the end of MA Latin class and brighten up our apartment for the days of studying ahead.

Celticist Roommate is looking for a job teaching Latin at a private High School. "Wow," she said last night, looking up from her laptop, "this one really is rural. It's at the corner of 'Walden' and 'Thoreau'"

She also may be the only one who understands me. Last night she looked up from a sock pattern I was working on and said, "Alice, is knitting how you get your math fix?"

Finally, I have my three hour must-pass-by-September-to-get-my-MA Latin exam today. I awoke to this:

The exam is from one to four, EST. Tristan is coming over to make pancakes for me. I don't handle exam stress well and am going to spend the morning trying not to throw up said pancakes.


  • hope it went well, and if not, we'll find you chocolate when you get here . . .

    By Blogger Vanessa, at 4:02 PM  

  • My (Catholic) grandmother would hav said "Just say a Memorare". The whole Jewish thing kinda didn't matter.

    Every spring I would help with Spring cleaning. One day she would take all of the curtains down from the windows, launder and hang them out to dry. Next day was ironing day -- I would starch and press them using an old fashioned mangle. My grandmother felt that the Memorare was exactly -- and I do mean EXACTLY -- the right length of time for the mangle to press out the wrinkles. So I would lower the pressing arm and start saying loudly (and quickly):

    Memorare, o pisima Virgo Maria, non esse auditum a seculo quemquam ad tua currentem presidia tua implorantem auxilia tua petentem suffragia esse derelicta. Nos tali animati confidencia ad te, Virgo Virginum, Mater currimus; ad te venimus; coram te gementes pecatores assistimus. Noli, Mater Verbi, verba nostra despicere sed audi propitia et exhaudi. Amen.

    My Latin spelling is atrocious. Sorry if it offends you. But I went over it again and again in my head, and the words are mostly right.

    Tulips are one of my favorite flowers. Myfanwe held white tulips for our wedding. (It was March. They are a hopeful flower.)

    Don't forget to let me know when you want to meet for coffee. I have a present for you.

    By Blogger Aidan, at 11:12 PM  

  • I hope it went well!!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:41 PM  

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