Your (Belated) Easter Present!
Inspired by the Dictionary Exhibit in Special Collections: An Alice-to-English glossary.
A.T.W.?: (Written, editing) According to whom? Variations include A.T.M (According to Mom), etc.
Anachronism: How to win any debate in a medieval history class.
B.V.M: Blessed Virgin Mary
Chalice Chipper: (via Rachel M) A young woman who tempts a man away from the priesthood. (See: Fisher of Men)
Cuba Libre: Rum & Coke. "It's a drink with historical significance!"
Cwino, cwino, cwino: (Welsh) Complain, complain, complain.
D. Robes: (Veronica & Alice) Everyone's favorite Whapster.
Das Boot: An art project with which I was absolutely, positively, not involved.
Fisher of Men: (via D. Robes) A young woman who is such a bad date, she drives men to the priesthood.
St. Gaspar del Bufalo: Founder of the Society of the Precious Blood, and (due to Fr. Keyes' obsession therewith) something of a 11am Choir joke.
Ginormous/Gigantescor: Silly, exaggerating, superlative adjectives.
H.W. (abbreviation, Dawn L): Holy Writ, i.e., the Bible
The Haberdasher'd One: A certain observant Jew of my acquaintance who prefers not to be cited by name.
John the Bunny-Eared Baptist: I believe Emily says it best. "I ask you to cast your minds back over the whole of your acquaintance with Miss Pretz and to consider how it *might* have come about that a decapitated chocolate bunny was swimming in red cake coloring on a dessert tray in the basement of Calvert House after dinner on Easter last. "
The Ninja Jesuit: Fr. Paul Mariani
Oh, Hi...: ("in" joke) A reference to the movie Grey Gardens, which Larry occasionally channels.
P-Dawg: (Dawn L) Classics Professor Peter White
Papier Nietzche: Ask Steph.
Pobrecita/o!: (Spanish) Poor little thing!
Sisters of Sts Vitus and Dymphna: A (fictional) religious order on the Amalfi coast, made up of young women wearing pink habits whose charism is to drink champagne, eat bonbons, and ride into town on their lavender vespas armed with lavender super-soakers with which to spray people with holy water. It has a... pre-Counter-Reformation flavor to it. The only known members of this order are Sister Jezebel of the Burning Bush, (Tertiary) Delilah of the Ass's Jaw, and Novice Rahab of the Crimson Ladder.
Taceo: (Latin) I am silent.
Tippen Bach: (Welsh) A little bit.
Tommy A: (Margaret H) St. Thomas Aquinas
Ty Bach: (Welsh) The little house (that is, the bathroom)
The Vapid Paralytic: Larry's cat, Lana.
Voa (abbreviation, Dawn L): The Voice Of Authority-- The Merriam-Webster Dictionary
A.T.W.?: (Written, editing) According to whom? Variations include A.T.M (According to Mom), etc.
Anachronism: How to win any debate in a medieval history class.
B.V.M: Blessed Virgin Mary
Chalice Chipper: (via Rachel M) A young woman who tempts a man away from the priesthood. (See: Fisher of Men)
Cuba Libre: Rum & Coke. "It's a drink with historical significance!"
Cwino, cwino, cwino: (Welsh) Complain, complain, complain.
D. Robes: (Veronica & Alice) Everyone's favorite Whapster.
Das Boot: An art project with which I was absolutely, positively, not involved.
Fisher of Men: (via D. Robes) A young woman who is such a bad date, she drives men to the priesthood.
St. Gaspar del Bufalo: Founder of the Society of the Precious Blood, and (due to Fr. Keyes' obsession therewith) something of a 11am Choir joke.
Ginormous/Gigantescor: Silly, exaggerating, superlative adjectives.
H.W. (abbreviation, Dawn L): Holy Writ, i.e., the Bible
The Haberdasher'd One: A certain observant Jew of my acquaintance who prefers not to be cited by name.
John the Bunny-Eared Baptist: I believe Emily says it best. "I ask you to cast your minds back over the whole of your acquaintance with Miss Pretz and to consider how it *might* have come about that a decapitated chocolate bunny was swimming in red cake coloring on a dessert tray in the basement of Calvert House after dinner on Easter last. "
The Ninja Jesuit: Fr. Paul Mariani
Oh, Hi...: ("in" joke) A reference to the movie Grey Gardens, which Larry occasionally channels.
P-Dawg: (Dawn L) Classics Professor Peter White
Papier Nietzche: Ask Steph.
Pobrecita/o!: (Spanish) Poor little thing!
Sisters of Sts Vitus and Dymphna: A (fictional) religious order on the Amalfi coast, made up of young women wearing pink habits whose charism is to drink champagne, eat bonbons, and ride into town on their lavender vespas armed with lavender super-soakers with which to spray people with holy water. It has a... pre-Counter-Reformation flavor to it. The only known members of this order are Sister Jezebel of the Burning Bush, (Tertiary) Delilah of the Ass's Jaw, and Novice Rahab of the Crimson Ladder.
Taceo: (Latin) I am silent.
Tippen Bach: (Welsh) A little bit.
Tommy A: (Margaret H) St. Thomas Aquinas
Ty Bach: (Welsh) The little house (that is, the bathroom)
The Vapid Paralytic: Larry's cat, Lana.
Voa (abbreviation, Dawn L): The Voice Of Authority-- The Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Hmm, and I thought the secret of my last name was safe.
Nemo, at 9:00 AM
I think I know a woman like that...
Mr. G. Z. T., at 11:11 PM
One of my male friends went on a date with a young lady, and was convinced it went extremely well until he talked to her again- and she told him she was now planning on becoming a nun.
I don't think his psyche has really recovered.
Patrick, at 7:21 PM
Podraig, wasn't that you?
Alice Teresa, at 10:00 PM
Um, no, unless you meant our "poor Clares/ eclairs" conversation. And that (oddly enough) didn't convince you to stop dating me...
Aforementioned friend's date is actually serious about becoming a nun, now- and said friend is the last guy she ever dated. Hence his self-esteem issues.
Patrick, at 10:50 AM
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