Fourth Wall

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

It's a maaagical liopleurodon!

Charlie the Unicorn put LSD in my cornflakes. This video may break your brain, but it's worth it...probably.

I was watching it again after quoting some of it to Steph, and it suddenly dawned upon me: Cameron is Charlie the Unicorn.

Seriously. "We're going to Faaaaado,* Caaameron! Caaameron! Order a Black & Taaan, Caameron!"

* Fado is an "Irish" pub in the West Loop which we have begun to frequent because they play U2 and sell Cider with Black.

PS: How can you not love your friends when you have conversations like this?

A: Geoff.
A: Please don't become a male stripper to pay the rent.
A: The sins of all the women you titillate will be on your soul as well.
G: I... have this friend.
A: ...who has this friend...
G: and leather pants?
A: the leather pants will not be on your soul.
G: or me for very long?
A: or your friend.
G: of a friend.
A: exactly. I'm glad we came to this conclusion.

PPS: Shun the nonbeliever! Shuuuuun!


  • Um...are you sure there's not LSD in the water there? If Geoff is considering becoming a male stripper, I start to wonder.

    By Blogger Caelius, at 12:46 AM  

  • Actually, Geoff just asked me, "What do you say to someone who is considering becoming an exotic dancer to pay the rent?" I merely extrapolated from there.

    By Blogger Alice Teresa, at 1:54 AM  

  • i swear it's this friend of mine i swear

    By Blogger Mr. G. Z. T., at 7:43 PM  

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