Fourth Wall

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Two St. Patrick's Day Quotes

For an example of the kind of fun you may expect from your "special" guests, witness the interchange one of the authors overheard at a "Catholic Rendezvous" in the woods which began as a retreat but devolved into "a bunch of Irish-Americans singing and arguing around the keg." The two key speakers we will call "Andrew" and "Robert."
Andrew argued that the Irish people had completely lost their culture when they gave up the Irish language. Robert insisted that they'd kept the Catholic faith--far more important.
Andrew disagreed: "You don't understand. The Word was made flesh. The Word!"
Robert paused. "Surely, 'the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, refers to Our Lord Jesus Christ--not the Irish language."
Andrew replied: "You can't keep making these arbitrary distinctions!"

--The Bad Catholic's Gudie to Good Living (Technically, this comes from the entry under St. Dymphna, the patron saint of those with mental disorders.)

At these words Patrick raised his eyes from the place in which he was standing, which now is called "the Seat of Patrick," and beheld the whole island [of Ireland]. At length the mind of Patrick was appeased, and he cheerfully quitted the sacred spot [of Vallis Rosina] for holy David; and preparing a ship in Porth Mawr, he raised from the dead a certain old man, Criumther by name; and Patrick sailed for Ireland, taking with him the man he had just raised from the dead, who afterwards was made a bishop.

--The Life of St. David


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