Fourth Wall

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Latin is to Guinness as Welsh is to Bailey's

It appears I hadn't yet seen the worst of my language overdose on Monday, as half-an-hour of lunchtime translation, followed by an hour of class and another half-hour of vocabulary, brought the 36 hour total to 9 hours of Latin.

... after which I went home and tried to do my Welsh homework (apparently I do not believe in rest.)

... after which I went to bed, picked up the primary source on which I am supposed to present on Thursday afternoon, and not noticing that it was not in English began reading the left-hand, medieval Spanish, page of the dual-language edition.

... but having read a few sentences, my brain went *poit* and I realized that although it was only 11:00, no more work was going to be finished that night. So I said Night Prayer and went to sleep.

The only way I can really explain what happened is by analogy to having too many and diverse mixed drinks at a club... it was, in fact, the Irish Car Bomb of language-mixing. Having already had about a pitcher. Or two.

(This analogy caused some discussion at the coffee shop over whether one makes such a drink with whiskey or Irish Cream. I'm glad to say that Wikipedia agrees with me,* and says both-- and can now report that it very helpfully (note sarcasm) explains the historical origin of the drink's name.)

*Not that I've ever had one. I'm going by Tom's description of his roommate's frat parties.


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