Fourth Wall

Monday, October 15, 2007

Before the Day is Out...

"For God denies Himself to no one who perseveres but gradually increases the courage of such a one till he achieves victory."
-- St. Teresa of Jesus, Libro de la Vida, Chapter 11.

"At about this time there came to my notice the harm and havoc that were being wrought in France by these Lutherans and the way in which their unhappy sect was increasing...And, seeing that I was a woman, and a sinner, and incapable of doing all I should like in the Lord's service, and as my whole yearning was and still is, that, as He has so many enemies and so few friends, these last should be trusty ones, I determined to do the little that was in me--namely, to follow the evangelical counsels as perfectly as I could...
It makes me laugh, and yet it makes me sad, when I hear of the things which people come here to beg us to pray to God for; we are to ask His Majesty to give them money and to provide them with incomes-- I wish that some of these people would entreat God to enable them to trample all such things beneath their feet...
The world is on fire. Men try to condemn Christ once again, as it were, for they bring a thousand false witnesses against him. "
--The Way of Perfection


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