Fourth Wall

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Study Break

Took time away from Old English to register for this year's Taking The Next Step. Man, I feel old. Discovered in the process that one of the keynote speakers is Dr. Volberding, Urban parent.

This is why parents pay $20,000 a year for their teenager to hang out in the Haight district. Networking. (And good advice on colleges.)

In the process of locating the above links, I discovered: a) Urban is hosting a "diversity night" for prospective students and parents, and b) Wendy is directing "The Threepenny Opera" for the Fall Production.

I really hope there are no Urbanites reading this post. Here goes.

My take on diversity at Urban: No matter how much money they put into forums, "Diversity Day" (a thinly veiled attempt to make all the straight white males feel like crap), and clubs, you'll still be a token. I was one too (white, but poor(er than most at the school)).

"The Threepenny Opera": Was it really four years ago now that the fall production was "The Beggars Opera" (essentially same play, one rewritten by Brecht.) I know Wendy can do different things-- she did direct "Animal Farm". I wish she'd stretch herself some more. It's hard to find ensemble pieces, but not that difficult. You don't even need to do "Our Town"!

All that said, I hope Dr. Volberding still remembers me as the girl who wrote plays.


I ABSOLUTELY, CATEGORICALLY REFUSE to attend any "Taking the Next Step" event that involves non-profits and philanthropy. Just thought I should clarify.

Someone has titled the panel on government work "It's good to be the King". I don't know why, but that brings to mind the cover page of the Leviathan. Thank you, Hobbes.

CAPS is now providing a lesson on "How to Work a Room". Oh, ick.


  • Yeah, the whole CAPS world gives me the jibblies. As for privilege, yeah, I'm upper-middle class, but I went to a public school in a town where there are riots every few years. Riots! And there's only one high school.

    By Blogger Mr. G. Z. T., at 1:49 AM  

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