Fourth Wall

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Real Life Conversations Strike Again

(Fifteen minutes after Alice and Veronica have sworn off of IM for the evening)

Alice: What are you doing?
Veronica: Conferring with my Italian class bud. What are you???
Alice: I'm telling Tom about my new heresy.

Dan R: Okay, Father Pat... we're going to sing hymn 333 today.
Steph: Oh, the Semichrist.

There is no way to record the long conversation Maggie, Steph, Dan, Fr. Pat, and I had about Legionaries, babies, Italian birth rates, pad thai, Thanksgiving, Jimmy Buffett, blue vestments, and Veggie Tales. I leave it to your imaginations.


  • Yay! I made my way to your blog! I am entertained. This is one of my favorite ways to waste time... reading other peoples blogs... speaking of which, I should probably go to work now. :-/

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:56 PM  

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