Fourth Wall

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Making Hay While the Sun Shines

Or, um, making blogs whilst the internet Gods shine upon me.

Lest you fear that I've been slacking off out here in the land of the silver birch:

I don't know how that knitting got out there. Honestly.

In Other News...

YAY for the apartment on Ross! Yay for all those prayers, crossed fingers, and mithraic sacrifices! (Vegetarian, I hope.)

I'm still enjoying getting to know future roommate. We share interests in other religions, and it's pretty easy for us to talk about our lives. There's one thing, though, which I feel I ought to bring up now although it's awkward to say it (I don't want it to sound like, oh no, I'm shunning her or something). First, she's thirty. Second, she's Mormon.

I mean, I think I'd feel equally awkward living with anyone of strong faith in anything right now-- I'm still very very Catholic, but I'm still trying to figure out what that means for the rest of my life, and why I sometimes think the haberdasher'd view on things makes more sense. (Here's a sign of how my brain works: the religion with more paradoxes and debates makes more sense.)

However, there are some reasons why I think this will be okay:
* She ran into some LDS missionaries the other day, and since they didn't know her, decided to give them a hard time. "Aren't you the ones with all the wives?" etc. until they got really flustered and she finally said, "actually, I'm from Utah."
* She thinks that she might start dating a fellow soon, and has already given me permission to put up one of these magnets if it becomes an issue.
* There's no chance of her having Jack Chick pamphlets around, as did one of my roommates on Kimbark. (No, not J, of course. No, no the other historian, she's Jewish. Yes, that one. In her defense, she probably didn't know that J.C. is famously anti-Catholic and that I'd take offense at them. And, I mean, she had them in a box, it's not like she was leaving them out as bathroom reading. But still... again, a minor flip-out on seeing them in the box in he pantry.)

This One's for the 'Holy Crap!' Department:

Those who cook understand.

Speaking of Coffee...

Which we weren't, but it's a natural progression in my mind from the discussion of Future Roommate, I'm having a hard time understanding how anyone can survive the morning without it. Me, I'm even having a hard time making coffee without it. Yesterday, I went and got some sugar cubes for my coffee, and promptly overshot the coffee by, oh, two feet of counter space and dropped the first into the pan of oatmeal I was making on the stove. Today, I heated water and set up my little one-cup melitta filter, only to discover, just before I poured the water, that I'd forgotten to add the coffee.

While We're Spying on Other's Cabinets...

Here's a shot from the garden of next-door-neighbor-and-landlord (not my future
landlord, landlord to the girls for whom I'm housesitting.)

I would totally marry him for his garden, if a) that weren't extremely sketchy, b) he weren't already in a committed relationship, c) he weren't batting for a different team, so to speak.

This is the view from the kitchen window:

Note birds on the sunflowers.

Final Notes

I finished Gilead about a week ago. I read it in four lengthly sittings, and would have finished a month ago if I hadn't been distracted by sock knitting. It was good.
Recent Musical Discovery: Enter the Haggis

(P.S. The girl who designed the above "Shut Up about your Fucking Wedding" magnets also sells t-shirts that say "Christian Who Thinks" and, even better, these baby items. I had a good laugh.)


  • Okay, so I cook but I'm not quite getting the Saffron thing. Is it: A) One rarely sees so much saffron in one jar; or B) It's a bilingual label; or C) Something else? Help!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:36 PM  

  • I think it's the so MUCH in one place.

    And speaking of HOLY CRAP - I wonder if those sacred swaddling clothes, and the contents therein, would be considered first class relics, if found by some enterprising archeologist?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:53 PM  

  • As for the roomie, recall that my best roomies ever are currently 30 and 32 respectively. As long as your new roomie understands cleaning and sarcasm, I think you'll do quite well. (and from what you've said, signs point to yes on both fronts)

    By Blogger Vanessa, at 9:16 PM  

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