Fourth Wall

Friday, December 30, 2005

Real-Life Conversations: I'm Not Obsessed, I Swear!

Andrew: They make pink dress shirts these days?
Matt: Andrew! You own a pink dress shirt.
Andrew: Shut up. I don't wear it.

A conversation about metrosexuality and masculinity ensued.

Matt: If I had known we were going to have this conversation, I would have worn this t-shirt... It says "Zombie repellent" and has a picture of a shotgun.
Andrew: Did you get that at Hot Topic?
Matt: ... yes.

So, I got to have brunch with Matt + Andrew (my musketeers!) today. It was great. I love those guys so much.

In other news, does anyone else find Barenaked Ladies' "One Week" strangely reminiscent of Ian? Come on. "I have a history of taking off my shirt"? Of course you do.


  • In my experience, he is more often shirtless. And much more often sober while shirtless.

    By Blogger Alice Teresa, at 9:28 PM  

  • Funny story: Google Blog Search sent me a link to this post today, while I am lying shirtless on the couch. Go figure.

    By Blogger Nemo, at 10:15 AM  

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