Fourth Wall

Thursday, July 20, 2006

This just in

Mattieu, Canadian font of all knowledge, says that deunaw was a special number to the Celts, being equal to both 2 x 9 and 3 x 6. Breton, he says, also has a special name for 18, which translates as "three sixes." Use this knowledge as you will.


  • And in Hebrew, 18 is Chai, or Life.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:51 PM  

  • Yeah, I was going to point out that 18 has a significance in Hebrew as well, but I couldn't do so with any feeling of authority.

    By Blogger Alice Teresa, at 2:10 AM  

  • Chai is life? That would be very convenient for you.

    But I thought that the spice is life... or perhaps something else...

    By Blogger Patrick, at 10:52 AM  

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