Fourth Wall

Saturday, January 24, 2004

Don't you think that if James Beatty had lived in Ancient Rome, he'd have been a worshipper of Mithras?

It is snowing again today. Yesterday it was perfect, like powdered sugar. It softened everything and was so thick in the air it looked like the Snow Queen's scene in the Nutcracker. I will never get bored of such beauty.

We took the 172 to dinner last night because Steph injured her leg. When we turned down 60th you could see across the Midway, through the dark and bare trees and the falling snow to the campus buildings lit up like a palace and glowing pink like the sunset. It was lovely, Jared, and I wish you had been there.

Sukie is not going to Pisa.

My meeting with Mr. Abella went well. He drilled me through several problems, gave me a talking to about how 160's level math is completely impractical for physicists, and wants to see me again on Monday. His wound was not so distracting, as I was expecting it.

Yesterday was yet another "Equal-Opportunity Making Fun of Guys Day." On the way out of the Calc problem session, I told Ed to go comb his hair... "It looks like you've been making out with a Vandegraaff Generator." Then, when Rafal stated that he was in no way going to do the Polar Bear run, "You wouldn't want to disappoint the Vincent House girls, to whom you have been lying for so long."

Background: Rafal's favorite announcement of his presence when he enters a room is "Two inches... from the floor, Bitch!"

To which Trevor responded, "Yeah, when you're sitting on the ground!"

That is my new favorite come-back for completely unrelated situations: "Alice, you're a freak." "Yeah, when you're sitting on the ground!"

More on the Moonbabes. I'm just sorta offended because when James asked me, he said, "Say you meet this Moon Beefcake, totally hot..." etc, etc. When he asked Sukie, it was, "Say you meet this Moon of adventure, blah, blah, blah..." He says he changes it based on his audience... what sort of audience does he think I am?

Well, my roommate just happens to have a major crush on Pippin/Billy Boyd, from LOTR. So, last night at dinner...

"Say you come across Moon *Hobbits*!!!"

To which I ought to have said, "Yeah, when you're sitting on the ground!"

Always a new insanity at Breckinridge House.


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